Principals Message

Dear Parents,

The past month at Sirius College has been a blast! In the past few weeks our school has enjoyed a variety of sensational events. Science week enabled our students to have a glimpse of the broad science world, by observing, and even taking part in some very interesting experiments. Intercampus Olympiads of Spelling, Mathematics, Science and RV were all very successful and our school ranked highly in several of the competitions. It was also a great joy to celebrate 100 days at school with our beloved Foundation students. Thank you so much to everyone for making these successful events possible.

But we are not done there! We are excited for the events that are coming up very soon. Our teachers and students are hard at work preparing for the fun packed Literacy and Numeracy week. We are excited to announce that much renowned children’s book author Mem Fox will be visiting our school on September 19th.

Qurban Campaign 2017

As Sirius College, we have organised a Qurban campaign in collaboration with the Australian Relief Organisation (ARO) for 2017. Qurban is a time when people shred a heart of greed and selfishness, and fill it with beauty. We come together in a very profound cause in understanding, giving and helping the poor and needy. We believe that as the Sirius College family we can make a significant difference in the lives of those less fortunate. The cost of a Qurban this year is $120. For extra information please refer to the information brochures that have already been sent home.

Entrance Exams

The second round of Entrance Exams will be held on Thursday, 24th of August, 2017. If you or anyone you know is willing to apply, please fill the online application form or contact the office.

Health and Safety

Recent changes in weather have shown a rapid spread of colds and viruses. It is absolutely critical that students who are sick do not come to school when not well in order to prevent any further spreading of these conditions. Students who have come to school sick will be sent home. Please understand that such measures are necessary to ensure the well-being of all of our students.

As Sirius College, it is our duty to guarantee the wellbeing of all our students and staff, which is why we need to take the above measures with this issue. If you have any concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Deniz Yildirim